What is Creative Dance? And how does it differ from other dance forms? Most people know what to expect with entering a ballet classroom. The students dress uniformly, their hair done up in a bun. Time is devoted to learning specific skills at the barre, and turning, jumps and leaps, as well as slow movements are taught with great specificity. A jazz class has uptempo music, the students shake their body, learn jazz hands, kicks, turns and more. Likewise even a non tapper knows what to expect in a tap class, where the students feet will learn to move like percussion instruments. Yet the open ended world of Creative Dance, may leave you wondering what exactly it is?
Creative Dance can be as broad as the term itself. At Dance Arts, we have specific ways we teach our Creative Dance program, so that it is age and brain compatible with your young preschooler. Preschoolers often can get discouraged if forced into the regimented dance form too young. Here are just a few examples of how we gear our program to your little one:
Each week students sing a welcome song, then say their name as they practice being comfortable in a group.
Singing the Welcome Song! |
Next the students perform a Brain Dance. The Brain Dance moves students through all the developmental patterns in the order a baby goes through them. Breath, tactile, core/distal, head/tail, upper/lower, body side, cross lateral, vestibular and eye tracking.
Students work on cross lateral movements, these movements help get the left and right hemisphere's of the brain communicating, which helps boost brain power more than any of the other movements. |
Practicing Head/Tail connection. |
Working on eye tracking by following their thumbs. This is an important skill for reading and for being able to see numbers aligned in columns. |
Another important part of our creative dance class is the obstacle course. The obstacle course changes every month. The students move around the room clockwise, practicing various skills at a rapid pace. They grow skills by getting tons of repetition.
Crawling through the tunnel in the obstacle course. |
Practicing tip toes around cones in the obstacle course. |
These are just a few of the highlights for our creative dance class. If you or a friend has a little one between the ages of 3 to 5, be sure to
give us a call for your free trial class!
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