Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Feeding a Dancer

Spaghetti provides excellent fuel for dancers!
Dance is the only art form that is also a sport.  Dancers use their bodies to express themselves, and those bodies require the proper fuel.  Without the right foods, nutrients and hydration, a dancer can feel extremely fatigued.  They may also not have the energy required to condition their muscles to lift higher, bend more deeply, and all around learn new dance technique with the body's optimal potential. 

On days when your child dances, it is important to keep in mind that they should have a high carbohydrate meal prior to their dance class (for lunch or early dinner).  The carbohydrates need to be complex, rather than simple.  For example, whole grain breads, cereals, pasta, rice, and other grains are great choices.  A plate of spaghetti is a practical example of a high carbohydrate meal, loaded with other great vitamins and vegetables in the sauce.  You can also up the nutrition content of the sauce by pureeing various vegetables (kale, chard, eggplant, zucchini and more) and hiding them in the sauce for picky eaters.  Additionally it is important that a dancer be well hydrated before class, but especially after class to replenish the fluids the body loses while moving. 

Dancers train much the same way that athletes do, they push their body to its limits to build muscle and strength required of the art form.  By helping your child to balance their love of dance, with proper nutrition, you are ensuring that their body stays healthy for class.  They will be less prone to injury and more likely to feel successful about their dancing, if their body is properly working with them.

If you would like to learn more about fueling your dancer's body, more detailed information can be found at the International Association for Dance Medicine and Science.  

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